Sports Field Services

baseball & softball field specialists

Renovations & Construction

Field Evaluations

Field Maintenance

SFS - Sports Field Services in green and orange

Sports Field Services LLC


Sports Field Services LLC (SFS) is a New Jersey-based company providing high-quality baseball and softball field services including:

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Baseball and Softball Field Renovations

Baseball and softball field renovations offer so much more than simple aesthetic appeal. Done right, renovations can bring new life to existing sports fields, ensuring your players have a safe, reliable playing field.

Sports Field Services has the experience and expertise in field renovations to ensure your ball field is ready for more games and more practice sessions every season.

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Baseball and Softball Field Construction

Baseball and softball field construction is a significant investment. You’ll want to have it done right the first time. Sports Field Services is committed to providing high-quality ball field construction services. Starting with a comprehensive site evaluation, we determine the materials and design most suitable for your needs and location. When it comes to constructing sports fields, SFS does it right!

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Baseball and Softball Field Evaluations

A thorough baseball and softball sports field evaluation is the first step to a successful field construction or renovation project. Sports Field Services’ field evaluations are comprehensive and provide the information needed to ensure:

  • the design and layout of your field work with the topography of the area;
  • the materials chosen are suitable for the climate;
  • those areas most in need get immediate attention.
graphic of inner baseball diamond with dark green and light green  'mowing stripes'  with black bases and outline of field - NJ Sports Field Services

Baseball and Softball Field Maintenance

Without proper baseball and softball sports field maintenance, your investment in field renovations or new field construction can go to waste. Sports Field Services offers maintenance services to keep your ball field in top shape. Alternatively, we hold workshops instructing in-house grounds crews on the proper maintenance techniques necessary to keep your field safe and looking its best.

Services Designed to Promote Safe Play

In baseball and softball, field conditions are pertinent to both the safety and the enjoyment of the game. Puddles in the infield, ruts in the batter’s box, lips along the infield perimeter, holes in the batter’s boxes and pitcher’s mounds—these all pose safety risks for the athlete and detract from the fans’ experience. Sports Field Services, LLC (SFS) provides high-quality services designed to create and maintain first-class fields at every level of play from Little League to professional.

We start with a thorough, comprehensive baseball or softball field evaluation that identifies those areas most in need of attention. When renovating or constructing a new field, this information allows us to create a design that fits smoothly with the surrounding topography and to choose the materials best suited for the climate. The result: more playtime and increased practice sessions on a safer, more playable surface.

Weather and usage can wear down even the highest quality field. SFS’ field tune-up services address this wear and tear so your field will be ready for play in the Spring.

SFS meets all your baseball and softball field needs, from renovations that give new life to existing fields, to construction of brand new playing fields, to maintenance services, including workshops on proper field maintenance for in-house grounds crews. We work with Little Leagues, municipal leagues, high school and college athletic departments and professional teams.

To learn how you can have the field of your dreams, contact SFS today.

When your players step into the batter’s box, they should have nothing on their minds except hitting the ball.